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Massage Package Deals

Grand Champion Package-

This Package Includes 5 myo-fascial release massages along with pattern work, a movement analysis before and after the massage, and stretching. This package cost $425.00.


Reserve Champion Package-

This package includes 5 myo-fascial release massages lymphatic drainage if needed, trigger points and along with a movement analysis after the massage. This package cost $325.00

Individual Massages 

Blue Ribbon Massage
This massage consists of a myo-fascial release, lymphatic draining if needed, trigger points on muscle areas that are tense, pattern work, stretching if needed, and a movement analysis before and after the massage. This massage is priced at $100.00


Red Ribbon Massage
This massage consists of a myo-fascial release, lymphatic drainage if needed, trigger points and a movement analysis before and after the massage. This Massage is priced at $75.00.


Yellow Ribbon Massage
This massage is a basic fascia line drawling which means I will draw the muscles out of the horse and trigger them, this is a faster massage then blue and red, but still works your horses muscles well. This is a great massage to get if you are at a horse show, or going to a show the next day and just want to make sure your horse is up to its best. This massage is priced at $60.00


Rainbow Ribbon Massage.
This massage is similar to the yellow massage with the fascia line drawling but this is offered at a horse show or event where you just want your horse to perform its best right before you go into the ring. This is a quick 10 minute massage to get their muscles working. It is priced at $25.00 (Only available at shows or events.)

K9 Massages-

This massage consists of a myo-fascial release, lymphatic drainage if needed, trigger points and stretching

$30-50 Dollars(depending on size of dog)

Equine massage is a great service to provide for horses of all ages, disciplines, and work levels. It allows the horse to maintain their body and be able to freely move and work to the best of their ability.  Massage is a great preventive therapy used for horses to allow them to maintain proper muscle function. It helps improve their flexibility and range of motion which in turn can reduce their chance of injury or lameness. It can improve your horse’s circulation, reduce fluid buildup and muscle soreness. Massage is a natural, non-invasive approach to “re-charging” your horse’s battery and providing natural holistic healing.


If a horse is sore or is tight in a specific muscle group, they will not be able to move the proper way that their body is meant to. This may cause a lack in performance. It can also cause an accessory movement, which is a compensation due to the muscle firing pattern being disturbed, which in turn will inhibit their full work potential. Through equine massage Kelsey can feel and see the different muscle groups and how they may be improperly working and will try to "rewire them" to allow the horse to move more freely and reach their full potential.


Equine massage is also good for horses that are older and out of work. Through equine massage it helps keep the older horses going and keeps them moving comfortably even if they are retired. Equine massage can also help horses who are injured or have had old injuries by "rewiring" their body to help them get back on track. If it is an old injury, massage may help alleviate their accessory movements, which has now become normal, and allow them to move more fluidly.


K9 massages are also offered and beneficial for dogs who may pull a muscle while playing or working, or older dogs with joint pain or arthritis 

Please note that Equine and K9 massage therapy is not a substitute for professional veterinary treatment. An equine massage therapist does not diagnose illness nor lameness.


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